Pro-Ject Clean-It Carbon Fibre Stylus Cleaning Brush

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Pro-Ject Clean-It Carbon Fibre Stylus Cleaning Brush

Pro-Ject Clean-It Carbon Fibre Stylus Cleaning Brush


Pro-Ject Clean-It Carbon Fibre Stylus Cleaning Brush


Pro-Ject Clean-It Carbon Fibre Stylus Cleaning Brush - Pro-Ject

Dust buildup is a problem
Over time, oil and dust can form a buildup on your turntable cartridge's stylus. This buildup mainly comes from dirty records, so you should always clean your records. You can't really see this buildup without magnification. But you will hear it. It sounds kind of like a radio station that you're losing as you drive out of its range.

A very simple solution

Everyone who has a turntable should have one of these. You won't need to use it every day, but when you need it, you'll be glad you have it. It's super easy to use: two or three strokes in the same direction that your vinyl rotates,  back to front will do the trick.
Product details:

  • Removes dust particles and waxy buildup from your stylus
  • Thousands of super-fine carbon fiber bristles
  • Eliminates static charges


  • 1-3/4" x 5-1/8" x 1"

Audiolab Stereo & Video Center

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